About this regional hub

The ASEAN offices located in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam, along with our representative in the Philippines, help WA companies to access trade and investment opportunities in South East Asia.

We speak a range of languages including English, Indonesian, Mandarin, Malay, Cantonese, Hokkien, Bahasa Indonesian, Dutch, French, German, Vietnamese, Filipino and Cebuano.

For information about trade, investment and export with Western Australia, get in touch with us via our online enquiry form

Our Commissioner for ASEAN (Indonesia)

Bryce Green A/Investment and Trade Commissioner for ASEAN

Bryce Green

Bryce is the Investment and Trade Commissioner for ASEAN (Indonesia) and works as part of Invest and Trade Western Australia.

As the Investment and Trade Commissioner, Bryce and his team based in Indonesia and the Philippines work to attract investment and grow trade opportunities for Western Australian businesses in the ASEAN region. Bryce has a strong background in communications, media and strategic advisory consulting.

He joined the Western Australian public service in 2022 as a member of the Strategic Partnerships team at Invest and Trade Western Australia, supporting the State’s key relationships in the ASEAN region.

Prior to entering the public service, Bryce was based in Jakarta as a risk management consultant and analyst for one of the region’s premier strategic advisory firms. Bryce is also a former journalist and broadcaster in Western Australia.

He has a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and speaks Bahasa Indonesia. 




+65 9863 8671 (Indonesia) 

+61 418 735 102 (Australia)

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Our Commissioner for ASEAN (Singapore)

Betty Yang Investment and Trade Commissioner for ASEAN

Betty Yang

Betty is the Investment and Trade Commissioner for ASEAN (Singapore) and works as part of Invest and Trade Western Australia.

Betty and her team based in Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia work to attract investment and grow trade opportunities for Western Australian businesses within the ASEAN region.

Before joining us, Betty worked in the Climate Industry Action team in Strategic Policy, developing an understanding of Western Australia’s energy transition and decarbonisation commitments. 

Previously, Betty has worked in business development roles in the public and private sectors, building strategic relationships with international clients in the Asia Pacific, North America and Europe to drive commercial outcomes. This includes almost 12 months in the Client Services team in Invest and Trade Western Australia. 

Betty holds a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor and Master of Arts (English Language and Literature). Betty speaks fluent Mandarin and has a strong understanding of East and South East Asian cultures.




+65 8907 7629 (Singapore) 

+61 477 853 562 (Australia)

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Our locations in the region


Hanoi, Vietnam

Level 16, ROX Tower, 54A Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam Phone: +84 912 735 762

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Unit 02-120, Level 2, The Sentry Connect Sonatus Building 15 Le Thanh Ton Ben Nghe Ward, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Phone: +84 967 852 228

Image of the Jakarta city skyline at dusk
Jakarta, Indonesia

World Trade Centre II, 18th Floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 29-31 Jakarta, 12920, Indonesia Phone: +62 21 2952 2659

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Co-labs The Five Suite #01 Level 3, Block C, The Five @ KPD, No. 49, Jalan Dungun, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone: +60 320 113 135 Mobile: +60 172 770 499

Manila, the Philippines

c/o Austrade Manila Level 23 Tower 2, RCBC Plaza Tower 2, 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1200 Metro Manila The Philippines Phone: +63 2 7902 5520 / +63 917 821 5549


8 Temasek Boulevard #23-05 Suntec Tower Three Singapore, 038988 Phone: +65 6836 5626

Indonesia Connect Roadshow 2023: Day 2

Indonesia Connect Roadshow 2023 is well and truly underway with a packed itinerary for day 2!

Led by Western Australian Premier Roger Cook, the mission aims to deepen relations between Western Australia and Indonesia, and connect businesses looking to explore future trade and investment collaborations across 5 priority sectors of energy transition; primary industries; creative industries and the digital economy; tourism; and international education.

Day 2 began with a morning briefing before delegates went on to their various stream-related activities, which included site visits, panel discussions as well as B2B matching sessions for all streams. 

 Energy Transition: 

The day began with a Western Australia-Indonesia Energy Forum. Hosted by Invest and Trade Western Australia, the forum provided a platform for energy sector representatives from both jurisdictions to discuss energy transition and green energy developments as well as opportunities for future Western Australian-Indonesian collaboration.

Western Australian Premier Roger Cook provided opening remarks while Western Australian Minister for Mines and Petroleum, Energy, and the Hydrogen Industry, Bill Johnston, joined a panel discussion on the role of government in accelerating the energy transition. 

Perth USAsia Centre Research Director Dr Kate O’Shaughnessy facilitated the panel discussion, which also included Horizon Energy CEO Stephanie Unwin and Chamber of Minerals and Energy CEO Rebecca Tomkinson.

 Attendees also heard from an expert panel on green energy development in Indonesia and related opportunities for Western Australia within the sector. This discussion was moderated by David Mitchell, Lead Adviser on Market Integration, IA-CEPA Katalis,  and included Institute for Essential Services Reform Executive Director Fabby Tumiwa, PT Pertamina CEO Nicke Widyawati, Shaun Wellbourne-Wood, ASEAN Dean, Curtin University and Darren Hill, General Manager, Commercial and Business Development, Horizon Power.

The forum closed with a networking lunch and B2B matching session. 

In the afternoon, Premier Cook and Minister Johnson participated in a ministerial dialogue, hosted by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN). This dialogue is the first high-level dialogue under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Western Australia and KADIN on critical minerals cooperation.

Primary Industries:

Delegates accompanied Western Australian Agriculture and Food Minister Jackie Jarvis on a tour of Bogasari Flour Mills. Bogasari is one of Western Australia’s single largest grain customers with an enduring relationship between Western Australia’s wheat growers and exporters, particularly the CBH Group. Delegates were provided with an understanding of changing consumer trends for wheat-based products in Indonesia, with Western Australian wheat being highly regarded in the country for the production of fresh and instant noodles. 

AEGIC, who were in attendance, have for many years provided regular education and technical support to Bogasari and recently embarked on research and development products to extend the use of Australian soft-type wheats for use in cakes and biscuit productions in Indonesia.

In the afternoon, primary industries delegates participated in a site visit to Mulia Raya. The Indonesian trading company played an important role facilitating the first entry of Western Australian horticulture products to Indonesia under the Indonesia Australia-Close Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA).

International education:

Delegates began the day with a market briefing on Western Australia and Indonesia’s international education industry. 

 Attendees were also given an in-depth look at Western Australia’s international education sector capabilities, including the Western Australian Government’s support for the international education sector, scholarship and sponsorship programs, skilled migration, and Western Australian technical and vocational education training resources.

 In the afternoon, Western Australian International Education Minister David Templeman and delegates attended a meeting with senior representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Discussions centred round opportunities for future collaborations between Western Australia and Indonesia in the international education sector. 

Creative industries and digital economy:

 Delegates began the day with a site visit to the headquarters of Jakarta Smart City. Attendees were given an in-depth look at Jakarta’s initiative to establish a data-driven, transparent and collaborative use of technology to deliver improved public services for the Indonesian capital’s residents.

In the evening, Her Excellency Ms Penny Williams PSM, Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, hosted a creative industries sundowner. The sundowner was an opportunity to promote engagement between Western Australia and Indonesia in the creative industries, and for Western Australian delegates to network with their Indonesian counterparts.


An all-day B2B workshop was held where Western Australian tourism delegates met with Indonesian industry partners and travel agencies. It was a prime opportunity for Western Australian tourism operators and businesses to gain a better understanding of the Indonesia market and showcase their products to key buyers from the leisure and meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) sector.

The day concluded with a Tourism WA dinner attended by Western Australian and Indonesian tourism operators and key trade partners. Attendees heard from Tourism WA Executive Director of Marketing Melissa Forbes on key opportunities for Western Australian-Indonesia tourism collaborations, followed by a video presentation on Tourism WA’s Walking on a Dream campaign.

Tourism WA also took the opportunity to launch the Muslim Travel Guide in Bahasa Indonesia. The travel guide offers useful information to Muslim business visitors, tourists and international students visiting Western Australia, including consular services and helpful contacts. 

 Find out more about the roadshow at the Indonesia Connect Roadshow 2023 webpage

Published on: 05 September 2023




Get in touch

If you are looking for opportunities in business, investment or trade, contact our experienced team at Invest and Trade WA.

Our in-house experts can support you directly and provide referrals or introductions across our network of overseas offices, industry bodies and government agencies.


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