Your natural choice for investment and trade
Diverse opportunities, robust supply chains, a reliable trading record and a collaborative approach to investment – Western Australia is an ideal partner for business worldwide.
Western Australia has a range of cutting-edge industries and competitive advantages that help unlock commercial value. With a healthy, safe and secure environment to do business, along with world-leading innovation in a range of industries, Western Australia offers an attractive, unique and exciting investment proposition.
There are more opportunities to trade with and invest in Western Australia than ever before.
We welcome you to Western Australia.
Our strengths
Our cultural diversity, proven export success and location near Asia’s growing economies provides us with unparalleled international connectivity. We have trusted relationships with communities around the world. Locating your business in Western Australia delivers the perfect setting to excel in a global marketplace.
Western Australia’s stability and experience in enabling major projects and developing complex supply chains means we are a reliable partner for global clients. No matter the size or nature of your enterprise, you can entrust your strategic interests and investments with Western Australia.
Combined with our highly-skilled workforce and modern infrastructure, we can deliver the highest quality products and services for your business. Our expertise is broad and includes robotics and space technologies, remote operations, cyber security, medical technology, food production and engineering.
We have the world’s largest reserves of iron ore, the critical minerals required for new technologies and batteries, and extensive and affordable energy sources such as natural gas, solar and wind. With technical and environmental expertise, modern industrial zones and some of the world’s largest ports, Western Australia has what you need to access, process and add value to these resources right here.
With our clean and productive soils and waters, Western Australia’s skilled producers create an astonishing range of premium foods and beverages across our diverse lands and seas. We protect our natural resources so the world knows Western Australian food will always be safe and naturally delicious.
We have an enviable climate, wild and pristine coastline, unique wildlife, natural wonders and ancient history, as well as globally significant biodiversity. Western Australia is an incredible place for the adventure of your lifetime, and an even better place to live. Consistently rated as one of the most liveable places on Earth, you will be inspired by Western Australia.
Strategically positioned to do business
Close proximity to major markets and outstanding international connectivity make global trading and business easy.
International connectivity
Western Australia shares a time zone with over half of the world’s population, making it easy to do business. Our counter geographic location to Europe and North America also enables work to continue across time zones – we can work while you sleep – giving your business 24 hours of productivity.
A global network
Western Australia’s network of global investment and trade offices provide support and information for worldwide investors and buyers.

Invest in WA
Western Australia is a unique and inspiring place to invest, with a secure and competitive environment supporting your investment plans.
Western Australia has the capabilities to meet the resource and energy needs of other countries as well as their demand for premium food, unique tourism experiences, quality education, advanced manufacturing and innovative technology.
Our team can support investors every step of the way as they establish a business in Western Australia.
Buy from WA
Western Australia has a long-standing reputation as a reliable trade partner globally. The state supplies goods and services to over 180 countries across the globe, and over half of our annual production is exported to international partners.
Western Australia welcomes new business, helping international buyers take advantage of our extensive range of premium goods and services. Our team also supports local businesses looking to grow their business in international markets with a competitive export offering.
Discover Western Australian projects currently seeking investment.
Visit WA Investments
Get in touch
If you are looking for opportunities in business, investment or trade, contact our experienced team at Invest and Trade WA.
Our in-house experts can support you directly and provide referrals or introductions across our network of overseas offices, industry bodies and government agencies.