About this regional hub
The India-Gulf offices located in India and the United Arab Emirates help WA companies to access trade and investment opportunities in countries in south Asia including Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
We speak a range of languages including English, Hindi, Bangla, Urdu, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, French, Marathi, German and Arabic.
For information about trade, investment and export with Western Australia, get in touch with us via our online enquiry form.
Our Commissioner for India Gulf
Nashid Chowdhury
Investment and Trade Commissioner for India-Gulf
Nashid is the Investment and Trade Commissioner for India-Gulf and works as part of Invest and Trade Western Australia.
As the Investment and Trade Commissioner, Nashid and her team based in India and the United Arab Emirates work to attract investment and grow trade opportunities for Western Australian businesses in the India-Gulf region.
With two decades of economic development, and investment and trade experience across State, Commonwealth and local governments, Nashid has extensive expertise managing offshore networks, supporting business growth, leveraging state and federal government programs, and attracting businesses and investment across international markets. She also has a strong background in strategic stakeholder engagement which has enabled her to develop strong networks throughout South Asia and the Middle East.
Nashid has worked across a wide range of sectors, including energy; tourism, events and creative industries; international education; mining; primary industries; and health and medical life sciences. She also has experience working with tech startups and has worked with businesses focused on cybersecurity, financial services, transport, construction and science and innovation.
Nashid holds a Master of International Business from Monash University and has previously worked for Austrade in the United Arab Emirates. Being of Bangladeshi and Indian descent, she is fluent in Hindi, Bengali and Urdu, and has an excellent understanding of business and culture in South Asia. Nashid is also competent in reading Arabic.
Email: Nashid.Chowdhury@jtsi.wa.gov.au
Tel: +91 720 005 1751 (India) | +61 407 265 518 (Australia)
Our Locations in the Region

Chennai, India
Taj Connemara, No. 2, Binny Road, off Anna Salai Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600002, India Phone: +91 72 00 05 17 51

Mumbai, India
93, 9th Floor, Jolly Maker Chambers II, Nariman Point Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400 021, India Phone: +91 22 6630 3973-76

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Office 106, Emarat Atrium Building Sheikh Zayed Road PO Box 58007 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 4 343 3226
Advancing WA-India links across healthcare, medical and life sciences sectors

Western Australian business, government and health professionals embarked on an Invest and Trade WA-supported 9-day mission across Chennai, Hyderabad, Nashik and Trivandrum in India.
The mission was led by WA Minister for Health and Mental Health, the Hon. Amber-Jade Sanderson MLA, supported by Invest and Trade Western Australia, and Investment and Trade Commissioner for Western Australia in India-Gulf, Nashid Chowdhury.
Accompanying the minister was her chief of staff Ms Jodie South, A/Assistant Director General, Clinical Excellence Division, Department of Health, Hon Dr Jagadish (Jags) Krishnan MLA, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, and Dr Paddy Ramanathan, Managing Director, Western Medical Group.
The health delegation was attended by business delegates from health and life sciences companies, and approximately 10 health professionals from the WA Health system (public and private). This included representatives from North Metropolitan, East Metropolitan and South Metropolitan Health Services, The WA Country Health Service, St John of God Subiaco, as well as Curtin, Edith Cowan and Notre Dame Universities.
Business delegates representing health and life sciences companies including:
- Peron Institute for Neurological Research and Innovative Technologies
- Clean and Pure Pty Ltd
- Triphasic Cardiac Pump Pty Ltd
- Lions Vision Trials (a division of the Lions Eye Institute)
- Epichemistry Pty Limited
- Harjit Kaur
- Proteomics International Pty Ltd
- Perdaman
- Virex Pharma
- East Metropolitan Health Service
- Adarsh Australia

This mission’s primary purpose was to promote WA as a destination to skilled health workers in India, and to establish and strengthen WA-India links—particularly in the healthcare, medical, and life sciences sectors.
The mission also served to highlight WA’s initiatives and successes in health & life sciences, and to further investment, joint ventures and collaboration opportunities between India and WA.
"This mission will be beneficial for both Western Australia and India, with a chance to showcase our internationally recognised research base and entrepreneurial talent," said Hon. Amber-Jade Sanderson MLA

Minister Sanderson delivered keynote speeches at BioAsia 2024 - the 21st edition of the premier life sciences and healthcare forum in Asia, and at Umagine Chennai 2024, a global technology, entrepreneurship and skills summit.
Also on the agenda were 4 health skilling symposiums to promote WA as a place to live and work, highlight jobs available in the WA health industry and promote the Government support available to help skilled migrants relocate.
The mission facilitated visits to hospitals and training hospitals, roundtables, as well as events and one-to-one engagements with key Government and industry leaders in healthcare. The Minister also led a health skilling and business delegation which included representatives from Invest and Trade WA and WA Health.
To find out more about trade and investment opportunities between Western Australia and India, reach out to the Invest and Trade WA team at investandtrade@jtsi.wa.gov.au
Published on: 14 March 2024
Get in touch
If you are looking for opportunities in business, investment or trade, contact our experienced team at Invest and Trade WA.
Our in-house experts can support you directly and provide referrals or introductions across our network of overseas offices, industry bodies and government agencies.