Indonesia Connect Roadshow 2023 launches in Jakarta

Indonesia Connect Roadshow 2023 has kicked off in Jakarta, Indonesia! 

Led by Western Australian Premier Roger Cook, the mission aims to strengthen relations between Western Australia (WA) and Indonesia, and connect businesses looking to explore future trade and investment collaborations across the 5 priority sectors of energy transition; primary industries; creative industries and the digital economy; tourism; and international education.

 Joining the mission are WA Minister for Energy and Hydrogen Industry Bill Johnston, Minister for International Education, and Culture and the Arts, Minister David Templeman, and Jackie Jarvis, Minister for Agriculture and Food and Small business.


The launch of the roadshow coincided with the first day of the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2023. Hosted by the Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), this year’s summit looked to facilitate constructive dialogue on the key themes of digital transformation, sustainable development, food security, and trade and investment facilitation.

 The presence of the Indonesia Connect Roadshow 2023 delegation at the ASEAN Summit provided a key opportunity to elevate WA’s profile as a recognised and trusted regional partner of the ASEAN region. Premier Cook further highlighted the strength of WA’s relationship with the region as well as the State’s commitment to deepening ties with Southeast Asia while delivering a keynote address at the ASEAN Matters: Resilience and Stability in a Fractious Global Economy plenary session.

 The day concluded with a welcome reception for the Indonesia Connect Roadshow 2023 delegates. Guests were treated to Indonesian-influenced dishes featuring premium WA produce created by restaurateur and chef Will Meyrick. The menu featured Harvey Farm tenderloin and rib eye, VV Walsh beef oxtail, WAMMCO lamb, Soluna apple tart and strawberry trifle from Ti Strawberry.


The welcome reception was an opportunity for Western Australian delegates to come together with Indonesian business, industry and government partners, to begin forging new relationships and establishing future partnerships during the course of the mission.


In his address to the crowd, Premier Cook highlighted Western Australia’s longstanding relationship with Indonesia and spoke of shared opportunities for future collaboration.

 Find out more about the roadshow on the Indonesia Connect Roadshow 2023 webpage. 

Published on: 04 September 2023

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