State welcome dinner for Boao Forum for Asia Conference held in Perth

The Western Australian Government was honoured to be a partner of the Boao Forum for Asia Conference (BFA) in Perth for a second time. The theme was “Clean Energy Contributes to Sustainable Development in the Asia Pacific."

The BFA was established in 1998 and has grown to be one of the region’s most important dialogues, bringing together senior political and business figures from around the globe to discuss both regional and global challenges.

Premier Cook, Secretary General Li Baodong and Dr Andrew Forrest AO talking at a table


The State Government supported the BFA in Perth at two key events, that are the State Welcome Dinner hosted by Premier Roger Cook on 29 August, and the BFA Conference on 30 August where the Premier provided an opening address.

"The Boao Forum for Asia Conference is a fantastic opportunity to showcase what makes Western Australia a key location for investment and trade," said Premier Roger Cook.

"Hosting such a significant collection of high-powered business and industry leaders is a major coup for our city and our State, which will further enhance WA's reputation in the Asian market.

"It is also a chance to discuss the future of clean energy and our continued efforts towards decarbonisation.”

Premier Cook and H.E. Zhou Xiaochuan, Vice Chairman of BFA standing next to a Koala


The State Welcome Dinner was attended by close to 230 guests from business, industry and research groups from the following sectors – Education, Resources, Health and Medical Sciences, Agribusiness, New Energy and Culture and Arts. Around 50 of the delegates were from overseas including; the Vice Chairman of BFA Zhou Xiaochuan, Secretary General of BFA Li Baodong, and BFA Board Members Madam Gloria Arroyo and Dr Leong Vai Tac.

This conference builds on the Western Australia and China trade and investment relationship and the strong business links between both regions, including Fortescue Metals Group and the North West Shelf Joint Venture.

If you are a Western Australian business interested in further information regarding opportunities in China, please contact Invest and Trade WA via

Published on: 05 September 2023

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